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Tunable Meta-Surface Antenna Array with Holographic Beamforming
Konstantin V. Lemberg, Eugene O. Grushevsky, Aleksey N. Kosmynin (Matrix wave LCC), Ivan V. Podshivalov, Dmitry A. Stupnitsky
DOI: 10.1109/RMC50626.2020.9312354

The paper describes tunable meta-surface antenna arrays operation principle. In such an arrays beamforming is carried out by modulating the coupling coefficients between a wave traveling along the surface and electrically small radiators. It is shown that the law of coupling coefficient modulation can be calculated using the principles of holography on the basis of the given "reference" (corresponding to the excitation of the meta-surface) and "object" (corresponding to the required radiation pattern) waves. The results of numerical simulation of the X-band linear antenna array with liquid crystal control elements, which using the described beamforming principle, are presented.

Towards Phased Array Antenna Operating in Ku-band for Satellite Communications

Anton Nikulin, Aleksey N. Kosmynin (Matrix wave LCC), Vladimir Burtsev, Sergey Y. Prokhorov, Tatyana S. Vosheva, Dmitry S. Filonov


Satellite communication systems for mounting on vehicles are commonly based on phased array antennas with electronical beam steering. In this work we develop active metasurface-based receive-transmit antenna arrays for newly deployed satellite constellation system running in Ku-band. Both receive and transmit subarrays are based on patch-antenna elements driven in circular polarization using 90-degree hybrids. In both subarrays we optimized elements sizes and array period to have optimal ellipticity, gain, sidelobe level. In electromagnetic simulations we achieved realized gain of 32.2 dBi for the Rx subarray and 33.4 dBi for the Tx subarray obtained in a broad elevation angle range from -15 to +45 degrees.

Method of Anisotropic Metasurface Unit Cell Surface Impedance Calculation
Konstantin V. Lemberg, Eugene O. Grushevsky, Aleksey N. Kosmynin (Matrix wave LCC), Ivan V. Podshivalov, Anton M. Aleksandrin
DOI: 10.1109/RSEMW52378.2021.9494126

High gain antennas based on metasurfaces with modulated surface impedance are a new class of antennas that have appeared in the last decade. They characterized by a simple design, but a relatively complex synthesis procedure. The paper briefly describes the modulated metasurface antennas principle of operation, and gives a specific method for calculating the anisotropic cell impedance tensor based on the calculation of cell eigenmodes in the infinite surface approximation. The method is intended for use at the first stage of the metasurface antenna synthesis, which consists in creating a database of cell tensorial impedances.

Multibeam Antenna Implementation Using Anisotropic Metasurfaces
Anton V. Chesnitsky, Aleksey N. Kosmynin (Matrix wave LCC), Oleg M. Kaigorodov, Pavel A. Sibirtsev (Matrix wave LCC), Ksenia N. Kosmynina, Konstantin V. Lemberg
DOI: 10.1109/EDM55285.2022.9855123

The work is devoted to the development and research of multibeam antennas based on metasurfaces with one or more feed points. An innovative technique for synthesizing the tensor impedance distribution for the formation of three beams from one radiating metasurface is proposed. Prototypes of the proposed antennas in Ku-band frequency with 1 and 3 feed points were fabricated and their characteristics were experimentally measured. A good agreement of the results of numerical simulation and experimental data was achieved, which indicates the reproducibility of the method in practice. Multibeam antennas on metasurfaces can be scaled to high frequencies and effectively used at operating frequencies up to the sub-terahertz range. Such antennas are promising for the development of terrestrial communications infrastructure as 5/6G transmitters and repeaters, as well as for use as a payload of low-orbit satellite systems.

Методика синтеза и экспериментальное исследование антенн Ku-диапазона на основе метаповерхностей с модулированным поверхностным импедансом
К.В. Лемберг, Е.О. Грушевский, И.В. Подшивалов, А.Н. Космынин (ООО "Мэтрикс вейв"), К.Н. Космынина
DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-0358

Антенны на основе тензорных метаповерхностей – это сравнительно новый тип антенн, появившийся в последнее десятилетие. Они отличаются простой конструкцией, но сложной процедурой синтеза, которая может быть основана на анализе свойств волн в периодических структурах или на основе интерпретации антенны как фазовой голограммы. В связи с новизной этого типа антенн представляет интерес исследование различных методик их синтеза, получение новых экспериментальных результатов и оценка на их основе реально достижимых характеристик таких антенн. Целью работы являлось экспериментальное исследование антенн на основе тензорных метаповерхностей c модулированным поверхностным импедансом, синтезированных по предложенной авторами методике. Для проведения исследований было использовано математическое моделирование, электродинамическое моделирование и измерения макетов антенн в ближней зоне излучения. В результате работы экспериментально подтверждено, что предложенная методика синтеза антенн на основе тензорных метаповерхностей позволяет получать антенны с заданными направлением излучения и поляризацией, которые обладают апертурной эффективностью до 50 %, шириной полосы рабочих частот до 8 % и уровнем кросс-поляризации ниже минус 20 дБ. Результаты измерений антенн хорошо согласуются с электродинамическим расчетом и заданными при синтезе параметрами. Описанный в работе тип антенн и приведенная методика их синтеза перспективны для ряда применений, например в спутниковой и мобильной связи.

Design of a multibeam metasurface antennas for LEO satellite communications payload
A. Chesnitskiy, A. Kosmynin (Matrix wave LCC), O. Kaigorodov, K. Kosmynina, K. Lemberg
DOI 10.1088/2631-8695/aca318

In this paper, we propose a novel method for synthesizing a multibeam metasurface antenna (MSA) for use as a payload component of a small satellite as part of an LEO satellite communication constellation. MSA is synthesized using the holographic technique with a divergent phase distribution. Using this method, a low-cost multi-beam Ku-band antenna with seven flattened beams is developed. The results of the numerical simulation and experimental study of the proposed seven-beam MSA were presented. Each individual beam had a separate feed point and its own inclination angle (0°, ±3.5°, ±7°, ±10.5°). This paper shows that the presented MSA is not inferior in its characteristics to similar solutions, but is more compact and lighter, and also allows the formation of complex radiation patterns.

Software-defined constellation of small LEO satellites of the W-band wireless network: reality and future prospects
K. Kosmynina, A. Ivanov, A. Kosmynin (Matrix wave LCC), A. Chesnitskiyd, A. Mikheenkoс, A. Glazkob, M. Basaka
DOI 10.1088/2631-8695/aca318

Distributed satellite systems are used to achieve improved temporal and spatial resolution of observations, as well as higher response speed and reliability. Satellite networks with global coverage, which are not limited by geographical restrictions, have attracted the interest of the scientific community and industry. Next-generation satellite networks differ from previous satellite networks in that they have built-in processing, low-cost tracking antennas, and inter-satellite communications. This article describes a mission concept, featuring intersatellite communication link based on software-defined radio employing W-band frequencies. The increase in the frequency band to the W-band, E-band is due to the fact that frequency allocations in S, X, Ka, Ku bands get increasingly crowded and difficult to obtain. This study presents an approach to miniaturization of the electronics and antenna technology to ensure W-band communication. The theoretical limits of network throughput with limited size and available energy were explored and described. Several methods have been proposed to increase the payload and expand the network for inter-satellite and subscriber communications, digital signal processing and protocol stack, as well as the satellite subsystem. The current state of and prospects for the development of this technology are described. The purpose of the designed constellation is to provide higher data return, autonomous airborne navigation with less dependence on ground tracking data and significantly reduce the total operating costs of future research missions.

Synthesis of 1-bit Digital Anisotropic Impedance Cylindrical Metasurface for Monostatic RCS Reduction
Andrey I. Semenikhin, Diana V. Semenikhina, Yury V. Yukhanov, Pavel V. Blagovisnyy (Matrix wave LCC)
DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA.2018.8519811

2D-problems of scattering of plane E- and H-waves on a cylindrical metasurface (MS) with a smooth convex contour of the normal section and an impedance tensor from the class of deviators are considered in the paper. Systems of integral equations of currents on a surface of a homogeneous (not coded) and azimuthally coded 1-bit cylindrical digital anisotropic MS (CDAMS) are obtained and analyzed. In the high-frequency approximation, the problem of synthesis of the impedances of 1-bit CDAMS with bistatic scattering diagrams of radar cross section (RCS) on co-polarizations as in a similar black body (of Macdonald) is analytically solved. This provides zero monostatic RCS diagrams on co-polarizations, regardless of the shape of the cylindrical MS contour. The possibilities of reduction the bistatic and monostatic RCS of a metal cylindrical surface with a thin-layer dielectric coating and 1-bit MS on the base of anisotropic lattice of conductors in the form of a "figure-eight" are demonstrated. Efficiency of RCS reduction of different CDAMS models is compared.

Broadband RCS Reduction Using Digital Impedance Metasurfaces with 2-Bit Coding of Axes of Anisotropy and Eigen Reactances
A. I. Semenikhin, D. V. Semenikhina, Y. V. Yukhanov, P. V. Blagovisnyy (Matrix wave LCC)
DOI: 10.23919/PIERS.2018.8597701

The paper demonstrates the possibilities of broadband radar cross section (RCS) reduction of a fragment of a flat metal plate by means of a nonabsorbing thin-layer coating with a digital anisotropic metasurface (DAMS). The metasurface consists of anisotropic impedance modules of a new type. Modules differ not only of 2-bit coding of the orientation angle of the anisotropy axes, but also of coding the eigenvalues of the impedance tensor. The DAMS coding matrix is described by the binary codes 00, 01, 10, 11 and realizes a RCS reduction due to cancellation, diffuse scattering of waves and twist-effect. The MS coding matrix contains the smallest balanced 2 × 2 blocks consisting of two pairs of “antiphase” modules (for co-and cross-polarization waves). Two models of nonabsorbing meta-coating with a thickness of 3 mm with 2-bit DAMS are developed. The DAMS unit cell is characterized by two eigen reactances, which depend on the orientation of the anisotropy axes of the module. These modules provide twist effect no worse than minus 17 dB in the frequency band 10.2-20.2 GHz. Bistatic RCS patterns made it possible to estimate the levels, number and direction of propagation of intense diffraction lobes. The possibilities of the considered models of 2-bit DAMS to reduce the monostatic and bistatic RCS are compared.

The Scattered Field Phasing Effect of Cylindrical Digital 1 Bit Anisotropic Meta-covers
Andrey I. Semenikhin, Diana V. Semenikhina, Pavel V. Blagovisnyy (Matrix wave LCC)
DOI: 10.1109/RSEMW.2019.8792703

The scattering patterns formation features of the cylindrically curved digital 1 bit azimuthally coded anisotropic meta-covers are considered in the paper. The simulation results (using HFSS) of mono- and bistatic RCSs on co- and cross-polarizations within the frequency range from 8 to 19 GHz for models with different small azimuthal size (relative to the wavelength) of 1 bit modules are given. The modules are consisted of meta-particles as figure-eights arranged on a thin shielded substrate. The scattered field phasing phenomenon when the RCS of meta-covers on co- and cross-polarizations becomes higher than the RCS of the reference metallic cylinder on co-polarization is investigated. The physical interpretation of the effect mechanism is demonstrated.

Synthesis of Impedance Cylindrical Metasurface for the Given Polarization Ellipse of Conformal Phased Antenna Array
Andrey I. Semenikhin, Diana V. Semenikhina, Yury V. Yukhanov, Pavel V. Blagovisnyy (Matrix wave LCC)
DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA.2019.8879245

The paper provides a solution to the 2D-problem of synthesizing the impedance tensor of a homogeneous circular cylindrical metasurface (MS) for any preassigned polarization ellipse of radiation from a conformal phased antenna array (PAA). A 2D-model of PAA near a cylindrical MS in the form of a circular lattice of longitudinal ribbons with currents is considered. The solution is subject to the additional requirement of the invariance of the PAA polarization with respect to the angles of observation of the field. It is shown that the ellipticity coefficient and the angle of inclination of the major axis of the polarization ellipse of the PAA are explicitly determined only by the impedance of the MS. The dependences of the impedance on the specified parameters of the PAA polarization ellipse are investigated. The class of realizable polarizations of PAA in the particular case of reciprocal MSs is established.

Reduction and Cancellation of the RCS of Cylindrical Surfaces Using Conformal Digital 1-bit Meta-covers
Andrey I. Semenikhin, Diana V. Semenikhina, Yury V. Yukhanov, Pavel V. Blagovisnyy (Matrix wave LCC)
DOI: 10.1109/ELMAR.2019.8918812

The following topics are dealt with: intelligent transportation systems; convolutional neural nets; collision avoidance; road vehicles; traffic engineering computing; road traffic control; mobile robots; image segmentation; security of data; road safety.

“Effect of Marguerite” in Scattering Patterns of Cylindrical Digital 1-Bit Anisotropic Metasurfaces
Andrey I. Semenikhin, Diana V. Semenikhina, Yury V. Yukhanov, Pavel V. Blagovisnyy (Matrix wave LCC)
DOI: 10.1109/ADMInC47948.2019.8969144

In this paper the “effect of marguerite” (the formation phenomenon of multilobe scattering patterns), which was found in bistatic scattering patterns on cross-polarization upon irradiation of cylindrical digital 1-bit anisotropic metasurfaces (CDAMSs), is investigated. The results of simulation using HFSS of mono- and bistatic scattering diagrams on co-and cross-polarizations in the range from 10 to 18 GHz for various models of CDAMSs are presented. Cylindrical metasurfaces consist of azimuthally coded 1-bit modules (domains) with a small azimuthal size (relative to wavelength) of the modules. Structurally, each module is made of one or two oblique conductive meta-particles in the form of figure-eights, located on a conformal thin shielded substrate. The effect of azimuthal coding of modules on the CDAMSs multilobe scattering patterns formation on cross-polarization in the front half-space is investigated. A physical interpretation of the “marguerite's effect” mechanism due to the transferring of the scattered field energy to cross-polarization and due to the interference of the cross-polarized anti-phase partial fields is given.

Reduction of the RCS of Metal Cylinder Using Conformal Anisotropic Metasurface and Linear Tightly Coupled Dipole Array
Andrey I. Semenikhin, Diana V. Semenikhina, Yury V. Yukhanov, Pavel V. Blagovisnyy (Matrix wave LCC)
DOI: 10.1109/PIERS-Spring46901.2019.9017513

In the paper, the use of a cylindrical anisotropic metasurface (MS) and a passive tightly coupled dipole array (TCDA) to reduce the radar cross section (RCS) of a metal cylinder is considered. The metasurface and TCDA are conformally located on a circular perfectly conducting cylinder on top of a thin substrate. The cells of the MS contain conductive elements in the form of a “figure-eight” with angles of slope of the anisotropy axes ±45° (relative to the z axis). Using HFSS, the effect of 1-bit azimuth coding of MS and passive modes of TCDA operation on the RCS reduction on co-and cross-polarizations in the band from 8 to 18 GHz was investigated. It is shown that dipole loads (short circuit, open circuit, 50 hm) or perfectly matched dipole ports affect the frequency characteristics and RCS patterns on co-polarization, but slightly change the RCS on cross-polarization when the cylinder is irradiated with a plane E-wave. In the case of an incident H-wave, the effect of TCDA loads on RCSs on co- and cross-polarizations is small. The effectiveness of monostatic RCS reduction, the angles of deep cancellation of bistatic RCSs on cross-polarization, and the effect of TCDA on RCS depend on the azimuth angle of incidence of a plane wave. In the case of an incident H-wave, the effect of TCDA loads on RCSs on co- and cross-polarizations is small. The effectiveness of monostatic RCS reduction, the angles of deep cancellation of bistatic RCSs on cross-polarization, and the effect of TCDA on RCS depend on the azimuth angle of incidence of a plane wave.

Backscattering Cancellation of Blocks of Anisotropic 2-Bit Meta-Coatings
Andrey I. Semenikhin, Diana V. Semenikhina, Yury V. Yukhanov, Pavel V. Blagovisnyy (Matrix wave LCC), Igor V. Ilyin
DOI: 10.1109/ANTEM51107.2021.9518434

Cancellation of the backscattering patterns (BSPs) of two main blocks of anisotropic 2-bit thin meta-coatings (MC) is numerically and experimentally investigated. Good matching of the simulation and measurement results of BSP in the area of central lobes for different planes and polarizations of irradiation is shown. In the principal planes, the central lobes of the BSP for co- and cross-polarizations are suppressed by 10-25 dB. The BSP in the sector of angles about ±40° is lower than that of the reference. In the diagonal plane, the expansion (approximately two times) of the BSP central lobe for co-polarizations and the bifurcation of this lobe for cross-polarizations (with a deep cancellation of up to 35 dB at normal incidence) are noted.

Полноволновые и импедансные модели сверхширокополосных тонких твистметаполяризаторов для радиомаскирующих покрытий
П. В. Благовисный (ООО "Мэтрикс вейв"), А. И. Семенихин
DOI: 10.30898/1684-1719.2020.8.12

Современные малоотражающие непоглощающие покрытия основываются на принципах твист-эффекта, интерференционного гашения и диффузного рассеяния электромагнитных волн. Такие шахматно-подобные покрытия состоят из анизотропной метаповерхности на диэлектрической экранированной подложке и представляют собой распределенные по покрытию метаполяризаторы. Преимуществом данных структур являются: применимость в различных диапазонах длин волн (от микроволновых до терагерцового и оптического), отсутствие поглощения электромагнитной энергии и излучения в инфракрасном диапазоне. Однако разработка полноволновых моделей малозаметных анизотропных покрытий требует больших вычислительных ресурсов и затрат времени. Поэтому на практике параллельно используют более простые импедансные модели кодированных метаполяризаторов. В настоящей работе исследуются модели двух видов поляризаторов, отличающихся топологией метачастиц. Метаповерхность первого поляризатора состоит из метачастиц в форме «восьмёрок» (оригинальная топология), второго – из метачастиц в форме симметричных сплит-ринг резонаторов (усовершенствованная известная топология). Целью работы является исследование полноволновых и импедансных моделей более эффективных (по сравнению с известными) сверхширокополосных тонких однослойных метаполяризаторов применительно к созданию радиомаскирующих кодированных покрытий.

Экспериментальные и численные исследования диаграмм обратного рассеяния блоков маскирующих цифровых двухбитных метапокрытий
А. И. Семенихин, Д. В. Семенихина, Ю. В. Юханов, П. В. Благовисный (ООО "Мэтрикс вейв"), И. В. Ильин
DOI: 10.32603/1993-8985-2021-24-4-57-67

Диаграммы рассеяния непоглощающих кодированных шахматно-подобных метапокрытий (МП) для снижения эффективной площади рассеяния (ЭПР) металлических поверхностей объектов неизбежно содержат боковые дифракционные лепестки. В связи с этим актуальна разработка МП с низким уровнем дифракционных лепестков. С этой целью предложено использовать шахматно-подобные МП в виде набора нескольких основных плоских блоков с одинаковыми размерами. В статье рассмотрены 2 таких основных блока МП с разными матрицами кодирования. Ячейки метаповерхности содержат связанные эллиптические кольцевые резонаторы и отличаются двухбитным кодированием угла наклона оси анизотропии. Матрицы кодирования блоков МП построены по блочному принципу.